Youtube Secrets – Money, life update

I’m torn between posting boring daily activity stuff or not posting at all.  So I will try to post an update that isn’t totally boring, but really has at least a little take away material.

At my present employer for the month of December we have a lot of activities that require me, and all the senior staff, to work from 5am until 11pm meeting with folks and handing out Christmas hams, and serving employee appreciation meals, and  doing business update meetings, and attending Christmas parties.  In reality, this is one of the better parts of my job. But it can really wreck havoc with my  schedule, especially when my personal schedule is to work with “the Boys” and do weekly Youtube video blogging.   So I hope you understand.  I’m Over booked !

And to add on to all that, I have a leaking sink, a leaking dishwasher, and a “grinding” clothes washer.  I’d really rather be living on the road in an RV !!  But life come at you fast !

We have had some time to get out and run though. That’s a good thing. It gets the boys and me some exercise, and allows me to clear my head.  I prefer a good forest hike to running, but when time is at a premium, doing a couple of miles is good for the boys, and does me good too.  (Less eating, more fun !)

Evolution of this website

We also had time this weekend to read through a few books on Webpage development and programming. So I hope there is some obvious improvement for anyone who was nice enough to hang in there during the early learning phases.  When I find a new channel on Youtube that interests me, I always like to go look at their early videos and see if they have changed much over time.  Some of the channels are really interesting how they grow, others are just suspiciously consistent for years.  Which tells me they are probably pro’s who are just posting for more coverage.

Some Youtube Details

“Youtube Creator’s”  (that’s anyone who posts on youtube) have a lot of statistics on who watches or subscribes to their channel/videos.  I can see where people are, what sex,  when they like to watch, how long they tend to watch.  Also which videos get the most views and which ones get the least. Which video are shared, and if people watch the video in say another place, Like on facebook, or Twitter, instead of in Youtube.  Some of the stats I’m very suspicious of.   The  length of time seems very short  to me.  My videos average 11 minutes, yet Youtube tells me most people watch 5 mins.  I suppose if 100 people just quick click on them and then decide its not what they are looking for and leave after 1 minute, and only 50 people  watch to the end, then I suppose the AVERAGE view time can be brought down  to a very low number.

And in case anyone has a curiosity about making money on Youtube (I just figured this out)  most low level youtubers (under 1million subs) make about $0.02 per 1000 views.   If people click on the banner ad at the bottom, they make another penny, and if you actually go to whatever the ad is selling, the creator can make a nickel.  Also some high level channels (>3 million subscribers) get premium ads that will pay more, and some are actually sponsored by companies that are mentioned in the videos.  But of course there are 100,000 videos uploaded every day and very few of them every get any $$.  Youtube only pays out when you have over $100 earned.  And that payout happens just once a month.  For me, my first $100 came after a year and 2 months on my channel.  But I have seen some Youtubers who have gotten over $1000 their first month with just a few videos posted.  It all depends on how good you are at attracting subscribers.

Finally…. Thats my very religious Christmas Cactus above.   It blooms on every branch at Christmas, and on every other one at Easter !!  The rest of the year it looks like its dying !
