Whining, Planning, Doing

Hello folks,  I hope everyone is well and your lives are finding satisfaction and fulfillment.  I love to travel and explore and I love to do it with my buddy Akela.  That is my happy place. A sense of freedom and enjoyment I can’t quite explain.  But since I was 12, I have traveled the US and enjoyed just my own freedom.

Early this summer I met a person at a campground who seemed very interesting.  We went on several camping adventures together and had some special times together.  However I have been single for almost 20yrs, and you get very used to that “single guy” routine and the freedoms it allows.   So the sudden change caused a few conflicts and the relationship didn’t last.  But it was a lot of fun while it lasted, and to a great extent I miss it. 


There are a lot of things to consider when trying to get along and please another person.  And in my several relationships, it seems you have to accept that it was you, and not them to get it to work.  And honestly, I have just not had that many relationships.   I had a High school sweetheart whose father hated me and he finally won and she left me at 25,  I had my wife, who after 15yrs of marriage decided she wasn’t happy and left me at 42, and I had an “activity partner” for 4 years who lived an hour away and really just wanted to go places and exercise, but never wanted to get “personal or intimate”.  I broke that one off because it was too frustrating and time consuming. Though I miss her too.  She was very good for me and a lot of fun.  Just I felt like a puppy following her around.  Also I don’t drink much. I love a cold beer on a hot day or while waiting for food at a restaurant, or a glass or two of wine with dinner, but when I see people on their 3rd or 4th drink and they are beginning to acting “differently”, I get totally turned off.  No judgement against them, I just don’t want to be part of it during that time.  And they never seem to understand that?  They want me to be part of their party.   But I would rather not loose my judgement skills and coordination (what little I have).  So that eliminates a lot of people I have met at parties and bars, that maybe great matches, if it weren’t for slamming the door on the first “date”.. .. Just saying!

So I have not had a good successful relationship where we pulled and tugged along the path of conflicts and discouragements and successfully made a wonderful life together.  Yes my marriage had a lot of  great times and ups and downs, but I can’t figure out what happened.  My “excuse” is menopause hit, and everything just fell apart.  So despite my manly desires, any potential next relationship will have to be over 50.  I know, I know, all the 25-30yr olds are heart broken, but I’m going to stick to that rule (except maybe on weekends).  I do admit I make fantastic children!  Possible my only legacy (except maybe YouTube and this Blog).

Anyway, I’m not sure where this is going, except maybe to share with you my lack of motivation in the last few weeks to produce great videos out in the mountains and forests and waterfalls.  We will shake that off in a few weeks.  In the mean time we do need to give some attention to the Aliner and the House.  We are changing over to more solar (100–>200), and getting a more efficient solar controller (PWN->MPPT). And possibly a large 200+Ah Lithium Iron Phosphate battery (40Ah—>180+Ah).  That will allow me to boondock a lot longer in the winter/colder months.  I have reservations already set up for April in Tennessee at Fall Creek Falls Campground April 4th-5th-6th.  It sounds like a very interesting place, and I will likely be stopping by Frozen Head / Bushy Mountain on the way there.  So spring is looking good.  It would be fun to see anyone who wants to meet up there.  Just a warning you may end up on a video unless you make it clear you are on the FBI most wanted list or in the Witness protection program.

But for right now, we are working on the Aliner, getting ready for the AOC rally Oct 1st at Trace MS, and keeping Akela in acceptable sticks!!  So I hope you all are staying safe, keeping away from COVID carriers, and consider seriously about getting the vaccine.  Seriously, it would do you any harm!  And it may help.  So my best wishes to you all.  Chat with you in a few weeks!


Rick & Akela

5 thoughts on “Whining, Planning, Doing

  1. Ha ha… Ya, You have to be careful what “Creatures” you put in the tent, when they want out, its get OUT! LOL

    I’ve been lucky all my dogs have been good in tents, but they like to sleep on top of me, so I opte4d for the camper. Nice thing to do in a tent is carry a cot. They make a big difference in comfort. I never did, but I know people who would complain all night about sleeping on the ground, and then got a cot and loved it. So stay at it, I’ll get up there one of these days. I’m on my last year at the company!! Counting the days!


  2. Keep on truckin’, Rick!

    Glad to see you’re still around!


    1. Thanks Tom, Don’t worry, when all else fails, Akela keeps me on the straight and narrow… sometimes very narrow… and wet!! LOL

      1. God Bless, Rick…

        Circumstances prevent me from having a beautiful companion like Akela.

        But, rest assured, I take great heart from your posts!

        Kindest Regards,
        Medicine Hat, Alberta

  3. Hi Rick, Hang in there. I’ve decided that I better like myself a lot more because myself is who I’ve ended up with and it’s OK. I tried something I haven’t done in 35 years and that was tent camping. Actually was a lot of fun and a LOT less set up than a camper. Had to stretch out an achy back in the morning but that was minor and I did have electricity so had a fan and propane gas stove. All in all, I loved it. Of course, winters in Indiana aren’t terribly conducive to tent camping so I’ll be back to the camper in Nov. or Dec. but it never hurts to broaden your horizons. Still enjoying your posts!!! Oh, by the way, I only took 1 dog. My 13 year old Australian Shephard. She’s my best camper and I figured the younger Border Collie would tear the thing down the first time she heard a raccoon. LOL Worked out great

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