I’m turning into an Old Man

I really don’t consider myself any older than 38.  I know, the body has aged much faster than my brain. Actually, my brain may not have aged at all. Maybe there is no brain at all…  But I digress, and that is one of the reasons I’m feeling like an Old man.  Every time I try to start to do something, I find something out of place I suddenly have the need to place it back where it belongs.  Now most of these things have been out of place for months, if not years.  It is not really a expression of my “OCD” that suddenly rears its ugly head at the strangest time (Like when I’m seeding the lawn, I need all the seed to point in the same direction and be evenly spaced).  I think it is more like a behavior avoidance activity.  Instead of sorting my coins, for example, I realized I my best toenail clippers in the bowl I throw loose coins.  So I had to take them to the bathroom where they normally stay, While there I saw a dirty washcloth I thought need to go to the laundry.  But then I decided before I do that I will wipe down the shower walls.  Which means I needed to get undressed to work in the shower. And while taking off my shoes I remembered I have to replace the shoelace in my sneakers. Which took me out to the laundry room where spare shoelaces live, and on the way I saw all these coins dumped out on the table and so I had to scoop them up and put them in the coin bowl.  I need to sort them out some time!!   No what was I talking about?

Anyway,  where was I?.  Akela isn’t much help.  All he wants these days is to sniff and pee in the woods (his definition of hiking) or run after the ball.  And if I allow him to bring the ball hiking, he is in ecstasy.  But he can’t figure out if he needs to  pee on  a tree, chase the ball, or sniff something in the grass.  I need to show this on video someday. It is pretty hilarious.  One leg up running with his head swiveling at every grass clump!  

I have a weather station on my house now. You can see it in Statesville , NC just North of I-40.  (Millsaps RD.)  It allows me to see what the weather is at my house and see what is happening temperature and humidity wise inside too.   Since my House is all “Alexa’d  up”, I can set the heat or A/C on my way home or I can tell if my basement is flooded and I can just go to the bar instead of going home.  But the system that the weather station is on  AmbientWeather.net

“. They have quite a large network of active weather stations and I use them when I travel to see what weather is actually a head of me or coming my way.  And it is just cool to tell people “At my house it was -10 degree below zero”.  

Anyway. one of the things you can do on this weather system is you can leave comments about the weather at your station.  Tuesday the forecast was for a big cold front to come through and drop a few inches of rain.  As often happens where I am, it was totally dry and all the rain went north about 15 miles.  So I posted a comment that we got no rain, and we are in bad need of some (I’m trying to get my grass to grow and the weeds to die!).  Anyway, the very next day, this tiny little thunder cloud sprung up about 50 miles to the west of us, came right over my house and dumped an inch of rain on my grass!!  It did kind of wash away all the grass seed I had carefully aligned around my mailbox, but the rest of the yard was in good shape from a little rain.   It continued to build and move to the east and became a very large intense thunderstorm, but nothing too horrible.  So I was impressed. I did not know the internet could be so helpful!!

Well, I was going to mention two more boring things that Akela and I did this week, but he seems to have had enough of keyboard work and is drooling on the keys.  And he keeps dropping this gross slobber ball on my keyboard and desk and I think I need to finish this up and kill him.  So I will be back in a week or so, and I hope to hear that you were here.  Thanks for stopping by. We have lots of good videos coming out (Akela said so). So stay around, We’ll “see you” on YouTube.

Rick & Akela.


16 thoughts on “I’m turning into an Old Man

  1. Sorry, this comment is to coordinate my email address with my WordPress account so that I can follow your blog. I already commented. This is embarrassing but, the only way I could figure out how to correct (my) the problem. Luckily, no one can see my red face! Hello and good day to all.

    1. Well, if you don’t have a degree in computer programming, then it’s understandable…

      1. I almost did. I wrote several big programs in high school. One I think is still being used by Chrysler to design transmissions and 4 wheel drive transfer cases. Lol

  2. My goodness this was so funny! Made me crack up! (In a good way) I’m smiling now so i guess it made my day. Thanks, i could see that dear dog of yours trying hard for your attention! Drooling all over your keyboard. He’s adorable.
    Good idea about your weather thingy.

    1. Thanks, It was a quick write after trying to get ready for a trip and being totally distracted by so many things. And he is really adorable. His “NEW” code for needing to go out and poop is to come over and “Smile” at me with his mouth closed. I thought it was cute, but now I guess it was really him gritting his teeth trying to hold it in…. Cause he runs right out and drops a pile!! Well, we need to pack and get on the road. Thanks for stopping by and leaving me a comment !

  3. Everyone needs a little help once in a while. I know from experience that living alone can have its plus and minuses. Having to think of everything all the time can make a person absent minded- too much too think about all the time and too much to do. Your grass seed method, that’s hilarious 😂.. I do the opposite, I’ve taken handfuls of seeds and have thrown them up in the air like chicken feed., land where they may, willy nilly…

  4. More exploring and camping is the solution. The trees and the critters don’t care about our age.

  5. Reminds me of “If You Give A Mouse A Cookie”. Good read. We need levity today. Louise

    1. Thanks Louise, I always wanted to be a comedian, my 4th grade teacher said that was my most likely career goal. I don’t think she meant it as a compliment though. Anyway, if you can’t look at life through a smile your doomed to be dead before your time! Stay safe, thanks for stopping by!

      Rick & Akela

    1. Thanks Leslie, I consider each new Skin lesion a satellite brain extension, so I must be getting smarter, because there is a lot less I don’t think I know!! Stay Safe and We’ll be back on YouTube in A week!

      Rick & Akela

  6. Brilliant Rick!

    Would love a telecon sometime…love your posts and your situation. I am at tomhamp @shaw.ca.


    1. I’m packing for a long road trip this week, so I can’t right now, But remind me the next blog and I’ll drop you a line! That would be fun!


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