Life in a Temporary Living Apartment.

Being housed in this 3rd floor temporary apt is a lot like having a new baby.  For those of you who might not have experienced such joy, suddenly your life is no longer your own and you find you have no sleep and you are always behind in everything you used to do.   Between getting settled in the new job,  living the hobo’s life without all my clothes and necessary “stuff”, racing all over the place to look at houses before someone buys it out from under me, life is busy.   I just posted a quickie video about house hunting and learning about the area.  It will be here…  HouseHunting around Charlotte NC..   if your interested.   We have driven so many miles all around Charlotte,  Stateville,  Salisbury, Greensboro, and many more places that we are learning the area quite well.  Its got a lot of really interesting things going for it and I hope to return to some that I have seen to capture some good video shots for you.   I do have a lot of good ideas for future videos though !!

Its quite a mental change to have the dark evenings and Christmas lights without all the cold and snow.  I think I can get used to it though.  Its often quite cold in the morning with ice on the windshield and then by noon its back up in the 50’s F and no need for a coat again.  I am well aware though that the “hard Part” is going to be dealing with the heat in the summer.  Hopefully we will have sufficient A/C by then and it will creep up on us slowly.  I ordered a new A/C unit for the Aliner AGAIN !!  Thankfully since the last one was just purchased in April, LG is warranting it for me, though their procedures are a bit complex, I think we will be okay in the long run.  I am so glad I have installed the unit in my modified way.  I just unscrew 2 screws and it slides right out.  And the new one only needs the bottom tabs to be bent a little and then it will slide right in too.   The Aliner A/C repair is here…and its not factory approved, I think its better.

Since I’m discussing the Aliner, I will mention that its current situation is not the best.  I delayed winterizing until just a few days ago and it has been down around 30degF several times.  It seems okay though and the water systems are all winterized now.  However I had the trailer folded down and locked up and sealed and when I opened it up to winterize it, it was quite musty inside and my sheets on my bed were damp and a tiny bit moldy.  Everything else seemed okay and I cleaned up the inside and removed most of the bedding and other stuff and then left it set up in the apt. complex parking lot in an area that seems to get more sun more often (away from trees).  I’ve checked it once or twice and it seems better.  The best thing would be to get it out of this place and somewhere that I could plug it in if necessary.   I found this neat little “De-humidifier/heater” device that is quite nice.  Check this out if you are storing your Aliner outside.  Ivation IVAGDM20 DehumMini  I haven’t tested it yet, but it sounds ideal for the Aliner and promising.

So I have posted a few videos on places to go and things to see in the area.  They are the Uwharrie Forest,  Though we didn’t do the full area because we had to go see a house. We did Mt. Mitchell and Crowder Mt.  Both were very very crowded due to “Leaf Peepers” going to see the fall colors.  But they were still worth the trip.   Unfortunately the boys weren’t really able to enjoy as much as we had hoped due to the crowds and the fact that they are getting old fast and have some pretty serious limps and injuries from climbing stairs at the Apt.  Also those state parks don’t have any real campground for RV’s.  They have primitive tenting areas and backpacking campsites, but nothing to drive into and park your rig.  We did do a drive-by video of Lake Norman State Park,  And that has a very nice campground.  Check out that video if you want a nice camping experience and you ride a bike !

I will release a video of why I am no longer with my prior employer in New York.  I am still questioning myself aboutif I should post it due to the sensitive nature of it.  But I guess it it a part of this story of my life and the changes and things I hold important.  So I will probably release it after Thanksgiving weekend.  So stay tuned.  More coming !!

Stay safe, Stay warm, And keep healthy !!

Rick , Ceasar and Dakota !
GoingNoWhereFast !

8 thoughts on “Life in a Temporary Living Apartment.

  1. Hi Rick,
    Welcome to North Carolina! My wife, daughter and myself are all native Carolinians. Wife and I are from the eastern part of the state but have lived just south of Winston Salem since 96. We just bought a used 2006 Expedition Aliner and are new to this. I’ve been soaking up your vids! Thanks for making them. When you come back to Pilot Mountain you will get your first view of it at exit 97 on 52 North. We live 1.5 miles off that exit! Maybe, we can meet up sometime!I

    Ps. I work for a division of Carolina Tractor a.k.a CTE. I’m in the LiftOne divison. Our corporate offices are in Charlotte. One of the largest private employers in the State and extending out 5 states. If you ever need to make business contacts. I would be glad to try and hook you up.
    Yale\Buster Tech

    1. Hi there,

      Great to Hear from you.. Sorry this is so long to coming !! Please join the Aliner Owners Club or at least visit their website. The NC folks are very very friendly. They have a beach rally down near Myrtle Beach in October that sounds fantastic. I have stayed at Pilot Mountain twice, the videos are in the mix somewhere. I think its a great area. Though the mountain can get crowded, the boys and I don’t mind !! I am headed to Julian Price Campground off the Blue Ridge Parkway this weekend, then I think I my next adventure will be going up near Virginia or West Virginia in July. I’m Stuck Dog Sitting for the next few weeks while my son travels Europe. Its good though as his dog will keep Dakota company as Bonnie is leaving.

      My Role is in Occupational Safety and Risk Management, so I don’t need business contacts, but I definitely measure my fortunes in friends !! So great to hear from you, Stay in touch.


  2. Hi Rick, just a comment on the “boys”. My girl is getting older too and after getting her first dose of heart guard as well as her first dose of Nexgaurd for tick prevention she started showing signs of DM, degenerative myelopathy. It makes their legs wobbly, hips weak and gets progressively worse. I went on a website where the guy tells several things you can do to help slow the progress if that is what is affecting yours. Hopefully it is just arthritis and if so golden paste (a turmeric based mixture) and also boswellia can help. There’s a facebook group that tells how to make the golden paste. The paste is good to add small amounts of to their food and to put on their injuries. Boswellia is available at the health food store. For DM here’s a link on some natural things that have helped many affected dogs like my girl.

    1. Thanks. I hate to say that everything on the internet isn’t always true. but often the extra attention you give to your puppy is enough to make them feel a lot better. Caesar actually had a stroke. There is nothing wrong with his hips or nervous system except his brain and his behind are not communicating well. So he can’t move fast in a coordinated manner and him moving his head from side to side throws him off balance a bit. If you want to see the video that explains it.. go here—->


  3. Welcome to NC Rick!
    My husband and I have been following you for awhile as we own an older Aliner.
    Now you are in our neck of the woods.
    I would suggest that you check out campgrounds and parks in the greenville spartanburg area. So much nicer and so much cleaner than NC. They tend to take more pride in their parks.
    You must check out the carolina balloon fest next year. I would love to see a video of that.
    So until then, practice your y’alls.
    The McEwen’s

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