What does it mean? Choose a Job You Love, and You Will Never Have To Work a Day in your Life. This may be true for some occupations, some self-employed people, maybe even some that get great satis...Read More
Somewhere around my 50th birthday, I started growing hair out of and on the outside of my Ears. It horrified me at the time. I knew a number of people who had a visual forest growing from their ea...Read More
Well it’s Saturday, the Saturday after Groundhog Day, and I’m hoping that everybody who reads this has seen the movie with Bill Murray about his adventure on Groundhog Day. Just in case yo...Read More
2020 is gone!! Let the new year and the fun begin! One year is over, and we're one year older. We are also one year closer to freedom from employment....Read More
Well, it’s Thanksgiving 2020, probably the middle of the pandemic. And all the government officials are saying “Stay home, don’t risk spreading the virus”. But my niece and her...Read More
“An Object in Motion, Tends to Remain in Motion…”. is one of Isaac Newtons laws of motion. Its called Inertia. The Other side of that law is “An Object at Rest, Tends to ...Read More
Well, while Akela is on the mend, I have time to do another blog. Like many YouTubers with a consistent channel on a consistent subject, I may take a 5 or 6 day trip and produced 2 or 3 videos out of ...Read More
I can’t believe how long it’s been since I last wrote in this blog. Time has flown by and getting to do all the things I need to do has been tough. Things around the house, travel I need t...Read More
Well folks, thank goodness it finally happened! We took an exploratory drive on Father’s Day weekend and checked out some possible camping areas. We actually put about 600 miles on the car in a ...Read More
I originally had vacation scheduled and reservations to camp on the NC seashore, but they canceled them due to the corvid-19 pandemic. So I am home on vacation doing a lot of things I should have do...Read More
Well, I thought I would do one blog on how the pandemic is affecting my life. I’m pretty sure everyone has undergone some changes in their daily lives, and I doubt anything has become easier. ...Read More
Well, I reviewed my 2016 Time Capsule in a recent Video. It is amazing to me the huge number of changes that have occurred in my life in just 4 very short years. I changed Jobs, I moved to a new...Read More