Happy New Year 2017 !

Happy NEW YEAR to everybody from myself and the boys. I hope you’ve missed us just a little. We are taking a minor break to fix a few things around the house and plan the coming year. I have a list of videos I want to do this year, and a number of places I want to visit, but I can’t really afford to throw things together right now to publish.

2017 should be a pretty good year if the world doesn’t explode. One of the great things about the government being in turmoil is that camping sounds like such a good idea. Getting out into the wilderness and the wilds and understanding the balance of nature just seems so calming. We are planning on getting up into northern Maine this year, and over into Ohio. I might even be so brave as to go all the way over to Wisconsin, if I can figure out how the dogs would be taken care of.

I’m hoping everybody had a good Christmas and an uneventful NEW YEAR celebration. For myself I had my two sons over with their girlfriends for dinner and a few drinks in celebration. The boys were so happy to see their old-time playmates who have grown out of the nest. And of course they’re always happy to see a real dinner being served with multiple people who might slip them a treat. And being that we are all rather old people (my sons included) everyone went home by 10 o’clock and went to bed. Strangely my sons did not turn out to be partiers like their mother.

So right now I have a list of potential videos I think would be interesting for my subscribers and regular viewers, and might entice new viewers. As I have mentioned on my blogs before, I am planning on transitioning to a motorhome in the next three years. So I continue to look at new and used motorhomes to find things I like and things I don’t like and to try to understand the different types of systems in the different models. So one of the things on my video list is to document some of that motor home buying activity. I’m reluctant to spread that over the next three years though, so I might try to do two or three videos in the next month or two relating to just RV inspection and different amenities. Other topics on my video list is how to do a proper solar system. And I’m not talking about installation, but more about what to expect from your solar system. I see people having solar systems that are fairly expensive but really fairly inadequate. I also see people with solar systems that are way more than they need. So I want to do a video discussing that. I had a lot of requests for a video about how you do boondocking. And that is a fairly controversial topic that I’m sure will attract a lot of discussion. But I think there is a lot of interest in it and a lot of misunderstanding. So I’m going to try to put something together there. The problem with all of these topics is that they require a lot of actual planning and graphic design. Something I’m not that great at at the moment. So they are taking more time than I thought.

But in conclusion, in addition to my regular reviews of campsites and places I go,  I will be trying to do some “academic” works. Because of that you might not see a new video until the middle of January. So don’t lose patience, hang out, and I’ll try to post more information here. I know I have also been ignoring my Facebook page, but I have been tweeting quite a bit. If you don’t tweet let me suggest just following me (@Ricks41at)  and @ShepherdsDaily. It’s an almost daily post of the cutest German Shepherd puppies. It makes the whole day seem bright. (You could probably find the same thing in your favorite breed if you prefered).

So thanks for stopping by.  Hope to see you again soon.  We will be busy trying to get something together that will be at the very least entertaining !

Rick, Caesar, Dakota (The Boys)
