My 8th Anniversary

It has been  8yrs and 571 videos, 10,450 Subscribers, The average video sees 3K views. For a total of 353,635 Views since we started 8yrs ago. That works out to 30,900hrs. Our Average monthly earnings are $125.00. According to YT viewers only watch 5mins on Ave of any video. I wonder if that is really the download time to your device.  And of course, 72% of views are during May-July. 23% of my viewers are Subscribers, but 77% are not.(Potential Subscribers?!?) Subscribers tend to watch twice as long as none subscribers.  Gender wise (interesting facts) 75% male, 25% female but an equal number aren’t sure what gender they are. We don’t discriminate ! Age wise – 62% of my viewers are over 55, So I am talking mostly with my peers. Less than 5% ARE UNDER 35.  My kids need to work on their friends!

My Top Video has been, and continues to be – “Don’t buy an Aliner Pop-up Camper before watching this” from 2020. Second most popular video is Changing the outside shower, from 2018. Third most popular video’s are my Boondocking videos (They all come in about equal views – from 2018,2019,2021. My First Video from 2015- “Changing out your Power Converter”,  Has been in the top ten since it was released, and I Re-released it in 2021 when I changed to a Lithium capable converter-charger. So much for stats.

Continuing the fun into 2023, Being retired I will be able to travel further and longer without having to get back to anywhere. I may have to re-instate mid-roll ads, or maybe set out a tip jar (DONE!!) or something.  The earnings are definitely not covering the cost, and I really need to polish up some equipment and the places I go.

If you have been on the channel, you have probably heard my plans, but if not, I’m excited to say I will be at the Aliner Rally in June, and then Slowly meandering up into Maine for July-August. If it’s possible to cross paths, send me a email or just leave a comment. I read and respond to EVERY comment.  More Info is in the comments and on the webpage! (yes this webpage, I’m getting to it).

With my Anniversary video I did  quick look back into 2022 and see where we went and what we saw.  In my opinion, it was a very good year and I’m pretty sure, 2023 will be at least 5 times as good ! So I hope that made you want to go back and see some of those videos on my playlists.  We will keep the Website up to date with more info on plans and of course a little more info about the places we have been.  So stay tuned, stay safe, and we’ll talk with you on the next video!

Rick & Akela

GoingNowhereFast  (But definitely going somewhere!)

4 thoughts on “My 8th Anniversary

  1. Since you will be in Maine, I want to recommend a place to you. We discovered it after asking a park ranger on the other side of the state where she liked to camp. She said, Cobscook Bay State Park. I asked where else and no other place was mentioned.

    The park is spectacular. We got a spot at one of the ‘walk-in’ sites available on a first-come-first-serve. In 2019 the rangers at Cobscook Bay told us that the reservable sites are usually completely booked immediately after they are made available at the beginning of the year.

    The park is north of Acadia. 100% worth the visit. If we pass that way again it will be a destination not a stopover.

    1. Lewis, It doesn’t look like I ever responded to you. Thanks for the suggestion. Unfortunately that is about 4 hrs off my travel plan. We are staying way in land in the wild forests of Maine. No where near the coast. Though that might be a good place to pin for another trip when the tourists aren’t mobbing the state in July. I love Maine in September. Cape-cod in October, and New York in November. North Carolina in December, January, February!!

      Thanks again
      Rick & Akela

  2. Hey, Rick!
    I’ve been watching your videos—since I bought my Range 15 OffRoad in 2017, I think. I must admit that I didn’t watch very many last summer. I camped 104 nights btwn May 30th and Oct 4th. I’ve caught up on a few. If you’ve still in the north at the time, Dave and I planned our Fall rallies back-to-back. His in the 1000 Island, mine follows in Kingston ON (about 40min drive from Dave’s) the following weekend. Given the rate of exchange, my rally is a great deal for my American friends!
    Safe a travels, and stay well!

    1. I’ll either be in Syracuse or Heading back and forth to Maine. I would have been fun to meet you. I see your comment on the videos and they are always nice. But my plans and reservations are all made and the trip will end with my son getting married. So I won’t be worth much after that. I’ll really feel old then!! Have a great time! Rallies are for winners !!

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