Magical -Michigan UP

Well, this sucks!  We are sitting here in our campsite being blasted by Ice cream truck music, and there is no Ice Cream truck!  We may have to go find ice cream.  It is Sunday, Memorial Day Weekend, 2024

We are in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and are having an absolute ball, until just now with the music.   We have gone so many places and checked out so much stuff.  I can’t wait to see how the videos come out.  The over all environment here reminds me so much of my Adirondack home.  It is more or less the same latitude and being sparsely populated with forestry and tourism as the main economies does place it very similar. 

The big difference is how flat it is here. And that can get you in trouble. The roads are flat and straight and your gas foot just seems to keep pressure until suddenly you notice your going about 80mph.  Cruise control is your friend!

Getting up here was fun too.  We went to the Natural Tunnel State Park in Virginia.  It has two camping loops and my loop was so perfect I thought it might be brand new.  I guess not, but it wasn’t old!  The individual campsites were perfectly placed and nice electric and water.  The Stone surface could have been concrete, but I have to sweep anyway to move the puppy fur bunnies out the door.

My return to Koomer Ridge was a disappointment.  A change from FCFS to Reservations almost left me without a campsite, and the moldy condition of the showers was a big surprise.  We still had fun hiking the red river gorge and finding water to play in and arches to see.

Hardin Ridge is Coming Up Next.  Quite a difference to Koomer Ridge.  

The biggest surprises are the two National Parks we stayed at along Lake Michigan.  One had showers and flush Toilets.  Something I had not seen in traveling the east or south east National Parks.  And the other one had showers, flush toilets and electrical.  We were in luxury for under $20 a night.   But those videos will come out in a week or two.

We are keeping detailed notes on costs, miles, solar and all sorts of other things. I will produce a video summarizing  the trip when we are done.  The original estimate for this trip was around $1800.   I think it is going to be quite a bit above that.  Mainly because we are doing a ton of running around to see things, and gas cost is higher than estimated. I was lulled in dreamland because gas around my home town was below $3.   I figured estimating #3.50/gal would cover me.    NOPE,  Gas up here can go as high as $4.50/gal.

Remember to leave comments on the videos and let me know what might make them better. And there is that “Donation” button to help out with these more expensive videos. Though if the video views pick up like they did for Koomer Ridge,  money may come flowing in from YouTube.   Shares, Thumbs Up, and Comments all help. 

Well,   Akela and I hope you had a great summer.  With Labor day past I guess summer is pretty much over.  But just in my opinion, Fall is the best.  And I’m sure the next 5-6 videos will be my best in a long time.  Stay Tuned, Subscribed, and watch often…lol

Stay Safe, Be healthy, Get out and enjoy the fall!
Rick & Akela

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