Leisurely Camping

Well, we had a great time at the Aliner rally (as Usual). Video Here.  I enjoy doing the photography and drone shots.  There are others who can also do it. And I actually feel like I should let them (Being and SOB now).  But I guess the group just considers me a known asset.  They want me to come to next years rally in Branson, MO.  I’m trying to work it into my schedule, but it isn’t a major area of excitement and exploration for me.  I need to research it more.

But right now, Akela & I am on a trip to NY for my younger son’s wedding. I started the trip with a minor back ache.  I got much worse and also my shoulder and hip began acting up.  Very painful with movement.  So, after 2 days we were considering that we may be dying of spinal cancer.  I have Prednisone I carry for gout when it flares.  So, I took some of that and “Poof”, all pains are gone except a minor amount of back stiffness.

The back has irritated me for about a month.  I honestly attribute it to too much sitting.  Which 3-5hrs traveling doesn’t help.  So, I have decided I need to get a stretch-exercise program together for these trips.  Especially these longer, multi day travel trips.  I will slow down and append more time in places.  There is some relaxation, and exploration that we need to do.

Having put that forth, I am planning on heading out to Arizona next Dec-Jan to check out Quartzite and some of the great BLM land Tristen is always exploring. Or Kevin drives around with his “Silver” (my 4runners mentor). Those are a couple YouTubes I watch and admire.

I get pretty home sick after a month, so not sure what I will do after.  Everyone has 2-3months of places to visit.  And I would love to head up the California coast.  But it will be winter.  I may have to wander back home and head out again in May for Yellow stone and Montana.

And yes, I do plan my trips out quite a ways. We have the fall trip to the UP of Michigan all set up with Reservations and plans for each day.  Unfortunately, not much excitement for the channel as I hope to do some Genealogy research while around Manistee, Mi.  Hoping that it won’t take too much time and I will get some leads. I much rather explore the National Forest with Akela than do research.  But all things are subject to change.

Like my plans to the west, I have a lot of people telling me to head around Wisconsin and west out of the UP. But my plans are to start south through Wisconsin in late Oct or Nov.   That is cold weather season up in that area.  And I’m a little old southern boy these days.  And I do have to be back for Thanksgiving at my son’s new mansion after he gets married and changes jobs.  He is just missing a pregnant wife to complete all a 30yr old’s grown-up activities.

You may be seeing this in late June, at which time I should be anchored home for the mid-summer season.  I prefer to let the masses have June & July for camping fun.  This trip is for Family requirements. Thankfully the last such social duties.  The summer is needed to fix the Aliner and Wolf Pup issues.   We determined at our first campsite traveling north that our Solar is not working.  Something in one of the panels is shorted.  Could just be a wire I built or a bad panel.  So, I’m traveling with just one panel working.  Plenty to keep the 300ah battery topped up.  But not a good feeling considering all the work put into the solar install.

And the Aliner has to be cleaned up and moved inside if I’m going to travel.  It is getting pummeled with too much sun and rain where it is and if needs rest!  I may buy it a small carport cover. And it needs the hinges on the roof changed as they are rusting away. The Rivets holding the hinges on keep popping off since the hinges don’t turn.  Along with a few other minor repairs and touch-ups.  And of course, the house needs its usual attention.  Painting, cleaning, staining, yard work and pest management.

Anyway, guess I should start a “list”.  Thanks for stopping by.  Its always nice to have a few minutes to drop these notes. After throwing the ball for a few hours this morning Akela is actually ready for a nap and I am waiting for the rain to come and go as the sky gets darker and the wind is blowing cold!  Stay safe, Stay Healthy, and we hope to see you on the road!

Rick & Akela

4 thoughts on “Leisurely Camping

  1. I have watched so many YouTube videos of the UP. It looks like it is fantastic place to tour and camp. Looking forward to those videos with you and Akela. Take care of yourself! Your YouTube family needs you. And enjoy YOUR family!

    1. Just got back from the “Big Wedding Trip” to NY. Not any good cell coverage or WiFi along my current route. It amazes me I camped at some really high hills and along large lakes near reasonably large towns and there was no cell signal to speak of. Got a few Texts from my sons, but could not get back to them until I was on the road. Yes, I am looking forward to the UP. I have my reservations made and a nice leisurely route. I’m hoping I’m not going through the area too fast. I want to really enjoy relaxing and exploring. Though I do have some serous Research to attempt. But I’m not holding out much hope for good results on that. I am still “Trolling out” the videos from the eclipse visit. The wedding trip will be a bit different since I have already reviewed the campgrounds and they haven’t changed in the last year.

  2. Rick
    You never know what you’re getting into camping in WI in the fall. Last winter we didn’t even have snow on Xmas day, but I have seen snow in October. Being a native of Central WI I can tell you that its beautiful up here in the fall. With the leaves changing colors and just the peaceful environment. I used to do a lot of camping at Black River Harbor campground and in the fall, you will have choice spots on where to set up. Black River rd has a few waterfalls where you can park and walk in with Akela. Copper peak is also an old Olympic ski jump off of the same rd, you can take a chair lift up to the top and see some amazing views. Little Girl Scout campgrounds is also not far from there also on Lake Superior. These are all north of Ironwood MI.

    1. Thanks Chris! I will definitely add this to my trip notebook. I’m re-thinking the trip and how long I want to stay (Much Longer). We are not afraid of snow. Being a Norhtern NYer snow never stopped me from having fun!!

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