Another Labor Day Goes By !

Labor day for most of my life has meant going to the New York State Fair. In 50 years I think I have missed the fair maybe 3 times. The New York State Fair is a huge extravaganza. It has always been touted as one of the biggest fairs, and largest Midway’s with a variety of rides in the country. And from what I’ve seen it may be one of the top 10 in size and things to do there. When I was in West Virginia last month they were having their state fair, and it was extremely small. I’ve been to the Pennsylvania state fair, the Vermont state fair, the New Hampshire state fair, and I believe Connecticut. None of them hold a candle to the New York State fair. So I’m spending just a little bit of Labor Day homesick for Syracuse. There are a lot of things in New York that I’m so familiar with that I miss down here in North Carolina.  And I’m not sure how to substitute something in North Carolina to take its place. But with every change comes memories and reminisces of THE “GOOD OLD DAYS”. So we will get by and move along !

Life at work got remarkably better this week. I finally got to hire an assistant. She isn’t really an assistant, but an equivalent with no experience. I have been trying to hire someone since February. So I’ve been reviewing applications, doing interviews, and filing paperwork to hire people. But the mucky muck corporate people keep vetoing my hirer choices saying they did not have enough experience or qualifications. This person was an intern at a Volvo truck plant, and has a Masters degree in industrial hygiene from NIOSH and West Virginia University in respiratory protection. Since our plant has roughly 50 spray painters and 10 welders we use a lot of respiratory protection to keep them out of fumes and vapors. So her experience and knowledge hopefully will be a big help in that area. But her lack of experience in business might mean that she could end up going head-to-head with production people frequently. Everybody knows the regulations and the requirements, but not everybody knows how to apply them in a business application so that your covering the health and safety requirements and still allowing a business to run efficiently. So we shall see how she works out and hopefully it will lighten my load just a tad.

On the video front, we have completed our trips to West Virginia for the time being. We already talked a little bit about some of the videos we put up from the West Virginia trips, The Best of West Virginia, and the Camp Creek Campground adventures. We have a kind of short in not so exciting review of the New River Gorge National Park coming up. I don’t think I did a real good job reviewing the park and all the possibilities because when we were there it was so incredibly hot, and Dakota is not up to hiking around in that heat. And really neither am I. Also the restrictions in the national parks are always a bit restrictive for me with the dogs, and of course drones are prohibited despite the fact that they are the best places in the world to fly a drone. So while we did a review of a couple places you can see the new River Gorge that are interesting, not really my best work I don’t think.

I do believe the best part of all the West Virginia trips has got to be our camping at Babcock State Forest Campground. The amount of stuff that they have at this particular state park, campground and forest makes it nearly impossible to not have a great time. We explored around, and did some hiking, and the boys had a ball. The weather and temperature was just about perfect, although the humidity was at 100% or better. I’m impressed especially with their cabins. It seems they have a cabin for any type of person or budget. And they seem to have a lot of miles of hiking trails/biking trails that go in either small loops or long trails, depending on what kind of hike you want. The one really funny thing that occurred while we were camping is that our campsite was next to another trailer where the occupants of that trailer left their shoes and socks outside by their trailer door. In the morning when I let the boys out to go potty at 6 o’clock, it was relatively dark and AKela went down in the woods to do his business. But when he came back up he had a sneaker and a sock in his mouth. And I’m not sure if he found it down there on the hill and some other animal dragged it down there? But I really think stealthily climbed around and grabbed it and carried it around to our camper. It was a little on the slobbery side. I could only imagine what the owner would think in the morning putting on a wet slimy sock with a slightly chewed sneaker. Thankfully we were long gone before they got up.

Oh by the way, I have made a cheap purchase for the trailer of an “Insta Pot” knock off and really think its a great RV essential.  It is in my shopping section here if your interested. I will have a video out in the next week or two showing what it Does !  I bought the COSORI 6qt model.  And I’m so impressed.  I have added a few other things to the shopping pages, encase you haven’t been there in a while.  Videos on the item will be upcoming. (Click on the menu at the top of the page).

Well, I guess I’ll end it here because I can’t get this done with Dakota and Akela chewing on squeaky toys next to me and bugging me to play. They keep putting their slimy nasty gross toys and dripping wet mouth on my lap. Causing my lap to be all wet. So I’m going to have to break away from this and kill them. So thanks for stopping by and reading my boring blog. I’ll try to have something better in 2 weeks at the very latest.  Maybe I will be puppy free and own a cat !

Stay safe folks, stay happy,
Rick, Dakota, Akela (Caesar 2.0)


7 thoughts on “Another Labor Day Goes By !

  1. Thanks for taking the time to post your info and product critiques.

    1. Thanks, your approved to return as often as you want !! And Sorry your post got tagged as spam, and I took so long to find it !! It won’t happen again. You now have VIP status.

  2. Rick, I might be down in NC sooner then i thought. I volunteer for the Red Cross and am currently on standby for Florence. Stay dry & safe and give those knuckleheads a pat on the head for me.

    1. Thanks for your service ! I used to volunteer for the red cross, but they rubbed me the wrong way a few times and so I decided I had done enough emergency service volunteer work. But those that do the work are in my heart and prayers. You make the world a far better place. Hey, if you end up down here, stay a while… No reason to go back !! Its nice here. I know a few people who got hammered by the storm, but for the most part I think it was a rather small bunch who really ended up suffering who weren’t already in a bad way. There are a lot of people living here who are here for the easy living. And when something goes wrong, they ae looking for a bail out… Guess we do it for the millionaire bankers, we should do it for the little people to. Hope I don’t sound bitter or unsympathetic. I do feel bad for them and I would not want to trade my life for their’s, Its just an observation that people in the south don’t know how to get out of poverty as well as people in the north.

  3. Rick, you tell folks to stay safe. After you reconsider killing the dogs, be sure to keep them safe from Florence, because Florence is coming to North Carolina! My grandmother’s name was Florence. After she passed away, I named a dog after her. The Florence heading for you is not as benign as these other two were. I wait to hear from you after Florence has done her worst.

    1. Thanks for your concern. We are a long way inland from the coast, which will take the major brunt. There is always a good chance of flooding with any hurricane, and my house actually is in a flood plain for a little stream as we are built on a hill that keeps the stream heading east. Hopefully not, but if so, I do have flood insurance and nothing I value in the basement, Except the trailer, which will be gone from any possible harm. Of course wind and big trees surround me, but I’m hopeful there. Mother Nature likes me I think ! Thanks for the comment. We will be back !

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