Just So You know !

I thought I would warn you that my video may be a little late. I am having some strange gremlins in my video editing program. I always try to cut my videos up so they come down to about 15 minutes. But this time when I got done editing my video of the Minnnewaska ice caves, for some reason at the seven minute mark, it stopped rendering a whole minute of video. It picked right back up at the eight minute mark, and never lost any audio. So I was talking about what I was looking at and yet the picture was frozen with the two dogs entering a new section of the cave. Very Strange !! So I’ve  messed around re-editing and moving transitions in the video twice and haven’t been able to get it to work properly, so now I’m going to just redo the entire video and see if that works.  Add another 3 hours to making a 15 minute video !   But this one is definitely worth it !!

Well it appears that works. So now I have to re-upload to YouTube. And it is Sunday evening, so I need to get everything together for the video before Monday morning,  Stay tuned !

But I think it’s one of my better video so make sure you watch it and let me know what you think !
