I won’t let it go without a fight !

Summer / Fall is trying to sneak away !!  We had a few snowflakes here, almost an inch, and it is damn cold and wet.  But we are going to go a little south and see if the Hawks and Eagles have all given up the ghost or if they are still making their annual migration.  So we are heading out to Hawk Mt Sanctuary.  We will be camping at a pretty cool campground. One I camped at in college, and proved to a girl I really wanted to know a LOT better that I was a jerky nerd !  Oh well.  Such is life.  I’ve never said I was any good with the female gender.

The boys are really eager to go and have some outside time. Last week we went to Fort Stanwix and they didn’t really get to spend much time running around and the wind was so strong they really WANTED to stay in the truck !  So hopefully we can get back on the trail tomorrow !  Check out the Wakely Mt fire Tower Climb if you haven’t, and today’s video about some liquid fuel backpacking stoves I really like !

Check these out:  Hawk Mt Video ,    Fort Stanwix in Rome, NY  ,  Wakely Mountain Fire Tower,
