I Love October !! Great weekend !

We didn’t go anywhere because we promised to take my nephew’s son out pheasant hunting for youth pheasant hunting day. Its amazing how awesome a bird dog Caesar is.  Originally I trained golden retrievers for upland field hunting(Birds), not as much for duck- water retrieving.  I guess some of that training snuck into training the boys.  Dakota is a great pointer  when he finally  sees one, and Caesar has an awesome nose to sniff them out and flush them.

Then we worked around the house and set up a online garage sale by listing 25 things on Craigslist for sale. Including my $3000 carbon fiber road bike for $900.  Sniff sniff… I’m really going to miss it, but I haven’t ridden it in 2 years.  I prefer the mountain bike 29er these days.  I have already sold $90 worth of stuff, and I probably still have another 25 things I want to list.  Wish me luck, if I sell the bike I will likely buy a drone !!

Oh, and as a result of this nice guy buying a set of beer steins from me (they were a collectable pair) we ended up at the flea market getting a little video of the huge-mungous flea market. Anything you could ever want is for sale there for 1/2 price !

Oh and about the puppy photo.  We have a women at work who routinely brings in “Guiding Eye” puppies for early socialization and training. And she has wanted her own shepherd, and now she finally got one !  She made a big stink about how she wanted one JUST like Caesar !  (A Sable Male who is very trainable).   We will have to see.  But what a great place to work, having puppies in the office !!  Okay… Video is going up…  Check it out ! —>>   I love October
