Frustrated, Depressed, Defeated, Tired.

Well I guess I better put my selfish, self-pity aside and post something. Last week I went to Lake Placid and did a video on the Olympic arenas and facilities. I think I partied too much at the Christmas party/meeting I was there for.  And, I don’t think I got enough sleep over the weekend. This week I’ve been working from 4am until midnight,  which means I have to get up at 3am. So all of this rambling may be just because I’m super overtired.

Or,  it might also be because the days are getting so short, and I haven’t seen the sun in at least a week due to crummy weather. And, I am a firm believer in Seasonal Affected Depression Disorder (S A D D). I’m not sure I believe that it’s all caused by light as much as it’s just lack of activity because we don’t do as much in the winter. I know I don’t get depressed if I  stay active and outside, like I prefer, even in winter. However this last week has also had some other depressing, goal defeating, discoveries.

Like everybody else, I get “suggested videos” on my screen while I watch YouTube videos. One that popped up last week was a video of a new channel just starting about a woman living full time in an RV. A single woman in her 50s just becoming a full-time RVer. She has been blogging for a while about through hiking/backpacking and just decided to put up a YouTube channel. And with three videos up over the course of two weeks she already had over 1000 subscribers. She does a nice video, good information, and a good setting, but all she does is sit and talk to the camera. She doesn’t move around, or share much more than ideas. But yet her channel is growing at light speed. By the time I post this she will probably have over 25,000 subscribers. And after two years and 180 videos, working very hard to be interesting and take people on a journey with each video, I have less than 1000 subscribers. And I know that I’m not in a big RV, nor am I a full-timer, nor a cute female. But her success and my lack of success has really hit me hard. I’m just feeling like I must be doing something really wrong, or maybe I wasn’t meant to be a YouTuber. So it’s all just depressing! I think  I’ll have worms for dinner !!

Anyways, until Christmas I’m going to assume it’s all the lack of sunshine and decent weather that I can blame. If you followed my channel for the last year or looked at my older videos, you might know that I tend to start running around Thanksgiving. My philosophy on running is that fat people should run in the dark, so since it’s now dark by the time I get home, I grab the boys and run on the canal for a few miles. I don’t mind the cold, I have plenty of warm clothes, the only thing I really mind is wind. And I think when it’s windy out I’m going to run in the gym at work. As every year the goal is to get in good enough shape to run the “Chilly Chili 5k Run” in January. Maybe that will help my attitude.

Also, I’m probably going to be missing my Thursday video releases because I just don’t have enough content to do a video on Thursday that’s worth watching. It gets dark too early to get any video during the week when I’m working, and despite having a lot of video I have saved up, it  just doesn’t go together good enough for a entertaining video. But I will continue to try to get out a Monday or Tuesday video. Sometimes in February or March we will come back to a twice a week release as my trickle of new subscribers continues (I hope) .  I have some Aliner “stuff” to do before camping season.  I need to get motivated and going !!

If anyone knows where I could find 20,000 subscribers on short notice please leave me a comment!  Thanks – Rick


2 thoughts on “Frustrated, Depressed, Defeated, Tired.

  1. Dear Rick, your videos are great! since I have been watching I have been out hiking more than ever! I purchased an A-frame type camper and am going to go to several places you have talked about this summer. I love that you “take us places.” and share “the boys” with us. You do a great job,don’t know how you do all that you do,but I and others are glad you do!

    1. Thanks ! It one of the reason I do it, is to make sure I’m doing something worthy of showing someone else. Sitting at home playing P games doesn’t seem worth doing a video of… though it seems a lot of KIDS here have posted up !! ..LOL

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