The End of Working Life?

Well hello readers!  I’ll get around to The End of Working Life at the end of the blog!  So a lot has happened and a lot more is going to happen. My last post I made here was about my camping at Fort McAllister coming back from my Christmas break visit to Florida. That was pretty much the end of 2022, and the beginning of a whole new life.  So let me fill you in on a few minor camping adventures and then more on the major changes in life.

As I had been told in December just before the Christmas break, my employer was unhappy with my performance and would be firing me in March if I could not meet their expectations. Now for the past 5 years I had exceeded all expectations they could’ve placed on me and my programs with the company. But I think they really wanted to get rid of me once I turned 65. And so they fired me February 3.  More about that below.

So I returned to Florida in February for my mom’s birthday and a cardiac catheterization and repair they were doing on her. She didn’t really need me there as it was a one day procedure and she was being tended to by my brothers wife. So I spent a good deal of time checking out new campgrounds and exploring the Everglades. It was  great timing because it was fairly cool. Temperatures were in the 50s – 70s, keeping the dangerous or pesky creatures fairly inactive. We did see several Mosquitoes on one hotter sunny day. Also when it’s cold the manatees come in to where you can see them.

So we explored the Everglades big Cypress preserve, and stayed at Collier Seminole State Park. While it was probably the worst campsite I had ever chosen, it was a nice park and there were some very nice campsites in the first  loop of 15 sites. They also had the most impressive bathrooms I had seen in any campground. I won’t talk too much about them as the videos are pretty complete. Just make sure if you go to Florida to see the Everglades that’s a good place to stay. Just a note about Florida State Parks is that if you decide to cancel a one day reservation ($35 reservation) two weeks before you get there, you will only get $10 back as they charge you $17.50, plus $8.50 processing fees. Quite the rip off.

We did find several national force campgrounds that were quite cheap in the Everglades, but of course they don’t have any hookups. Little too primitive for a hot Florida camping trip. Also dogs and pets are seriously frowned on throughout southern Florida. They are not allowed on any boat, or trail, or almost anywhere. I am told the reason is that they attract alligators aggressively. The alligators think of them as a delicacy to eat. Just something to think about.  I will be back to southern Florida again in future years. Each time I go I find ways to deal with the negatives of  Florida.  So we will be back!

So I was playing this game with the plant manager who just wanted to fire me. In the 9 months of him being the plant manager he refused to talk to me, and I tried to get him to meet 3 times. Not a rude refusal, just telling me he was really busy and he would get with me later. But he was my boss, and we were supposed to meet weekly. We never had a meeting and he never wanted to do any of the responsibilities that he had for safety in the plant. Now when I first came to the plant the entire management staff felt the same way. Roughly 16 people that run the plant production, maintenance, and human resources thought safety was a one person job, and nobody else had to do anything. Over the 5 years I was there, slowly changing this culture so they understood how they can reinforce good safety practices and behaviors resulted in a huge reduction in injuries and loss time accidents. Since I was hired the plant went from the worst to the best plant in the Daimler Trucks group. 6 Plants. They had killed 2 employees in the previous 10 years. They had a drug problem, an absentee problem, and issues with their labor union. I’m the first to say its all a team effort. No one can make a difference in the lives of 2000 workers without at least 200 of them working towards the goal.

But loosing a job is a major life change. No Question about it.  It has happened to me 7 times before since I graduated college and got married.  Each time it did take 4-6 stressful months to find a new job. But each time the jobs were noticeably better.  Also, each new job relocated me to someplace nice.  Without it costing me a dime!  In fact relocating to NC for this job actually brought my cost of living to almost half of what it was in my expensive neighborhood in NY. And my salary and benefits were quite a bit more.  So life was very good with this new job. But a Job is a Job and it wears on you.  And now I am old. Way older than I want to admit. My comforting thoughts are my mom is still going strong, my brothers are all doing well with no health issues. So I think I can easily live a great life for the next 10-20  years.  The only thing is Akela might not make it that long.  He will be 4 in April, and it is rare for a German Shepherd to live past 12.  So maybe another 8 yrs with him.  Should I be thinking about succession planning for Akela???  He could use a puppy friend!  Maybe in a future blog!!

Anyway, we are at 1000 words and that is my “don’t blabber on and on” rule.  So we should end it here. And maybe the next blog will go into the New Camper…. Oh maybe I should not say anything about that yet…Well, stay tuned, stay well, stay safe, and enjoy life whatever it hands you!  We’ll be on the road! Don’t forget to Shop at my RV items shopping and gifts page with Amazon items!

Rick and Akela!



14 thoughts on “The End of Working Life?

  1. Apparently, your former employer has no idea how hard it will be to replace you. Adventures await! Looking forward to a thorough tour of your new camping unit when you get it. No rush though. Enjoy the search!

    1. My former employer has no vision beyond the End of the month. The New Camper is delivered, but I think I need to “Dress it up” before I unveil it. Solar, Lithium, things like that. 🙂

      Thanks for the comment

      Rick & Akela

      1. I like your idea of “dress it up.” LOL Congratulations!!!

  2. It sounds like it may be for the best. I’m also 65. Lost my job 3 years ago. A difficult time, but turned out for the best. I plan to work for about 1 more year and then join you in camping and travel. I’m glad you’ll have more time and freedom now. I look forward to following your travels! Throw a ball for Akela for all of us.

    1. Carol I will be glad to have you along, when ever you are ready! I was actually ready last October, but my retirement investments have not been making me feel real financially secure. So I wanted to keep working until April, but what the heck. I’m getting a lot done!!

      Thanks for the comment
      Rick & Akela

  3. Hey, Rick!
    You’ve had such a challenging time! They’re obviously losing a talented employee. I hope you got a good severance package.

    Fortunately, you can now enjoy your retirement years. I’m in my 8th year- although I was eligible to retire 5 years before I did.
    I have new Re a new trailer, too! According to our weather bureau, received 4 1/2 ft-—yes, FEET—snow over Christmas weekend. I had just cleaned it off on Friday before dark. This resulted in the collapse of the ridge pole of my ShelterLogic. I couldn’t clear off the new snow, because it would have u balanced the load, causing further collapse I was unable to pull my 2014 Aliner Ranger 15 OffRoad out of the shelter, since the pole bent down between the two bubble lights. We had a combination of snow and of snow, freezing rain, and rain the rest of the week.

    The bad news: My insurance company wrote it off.
    The GOOD news: I had replacement insurance on it. Whew! Now THAT was a good decision!

    SO…I did some research, and found what I think will be the perfect trailer for me. I bought a 2023 Rove Lite 16RB (rear bath—separate toilet and shower).

    I had to get a loan to cover the difference, but the monthly payments are not much more than the cost of living increase on my teaching pension.

    1. Nice choice!! I like the Rove Lites, But I wanted this special bunkhouse set up so I could store my Bike inside. So we are hunting for a Forest River Wolf Pup. So far they are the only ones I see that have all the stuff I want. So we may have to go to Indiana to get the one I want. Anyway, The season is approaching, just the temps are not cooperating very well. Frost warning tonight in Statesville… Dang !!

      Thanks for the comment
      Rick & Akela

  4. Thanks, I should be fine. The stressful part is most of my retirement money is in the stock market and that has not done great lately. But I’m sure it will come back, as long as I hold tight. As the saying goes… I” have a million dollars in the stock market, but right now its only worth $500,000″. lol

    Thanks for the comment and the wishes!

    Rick & Akela

  5. I lost my job Dec 15 2010 when I turned 61 and collected unemployment and retired at 62. I am 73 now and time has flown by. I am glad I retired early because it gave me so much freedom to go camping and do other things I could not do before. I am still healthy enough to enjoy life. Be glad you are free now to enjoy life. Watch your finances carefully so you can have a stress free days ahead. Now you have more time to make those great videos about camping.

    1. YES SIR !! I better get my head straight so my videos are top notch. I expect to be living off the huge money YouTube is going to be paying me….Ha ha ha ha ha ha. Ok, maybe they will cover camping in a National Forest Campground once a month!! Anyway, We are not one bit disappointed to no longer be working. Just the timing was off a month. But hey, that happens. Now we just have to find that perfect camper!! Stay tuned !

      Thanks for the comment and coming along!
      Rick and Akela

  6. Sad to hear about the loss of this job. Your new boss sounds like there was nothing lost there. Well, onward. My husband worked until he was 71. I do not recommend doing that. I hope you at least got severance pay. And you might have an argument to make for collecting unemployment. Good luck to you in whatever you decide to do next!

    1. I’ve decided NC isn’t a great state to be unemployed. They only pay 12weeks of unemployment, the max you can get is $350, and it takes them 2 months (8 weeks) for them to determine if you are eligible. And in the mean time they want you looking for a job and filling out forms for employers you have talked with.

      We are too busy trying to buy a camper and planning our trip to the Aliner National Rally and Maine!! Whats wrong with them!! LOL

      Thanks for the comment,
      Rick & Akela!

  7. Sorry you lost another job, but maybe this time it frees you from working? It sounds like your financial situation is strong enough for you to retire, or maybe work part time at something you enjoy that’s in a different direction from your long career in safety. Best wishes for your mother’s health and for whatever you do next.

    1. Thanks, I should be fine. The stressful part is most of my retirement money is in the stock market and that has not done great lately. But I’m sure it will come back, as long as I hold tight. As the saying goes… I” have a million dollars in the stock market, but right now its only worth $500,000″. lol

      Thanks for the comment and the wishes!

      Rick & Akela

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