Depressing Lack of Life

Does depression cause you to become a useless lazy bum, or does being a useless lazy bum cause depression? I believe that everybody goes through periods of ups and downs. Minor depression and manic happiness is just the roller coaster of life. I don’t believe you’re supposed to be at a flat, level, emotional state. However I do recognize times in my life when it seems to me that suddenly everything seems to close in and my interest in doing the things I love seems to go away. It takes me a while to recognize it, and to understand how to climb out of it. And I wonder if that’s the missing ability that chronic depression people have versus those who just go through the ups and downs of life. In the last few months I’ve had several negative things in my life. I lost my best buddy

Caesar, I crashed my bike and injured myself more than I have probably in 50 years, I started competing on YouTube with other creators of similar channels and realized that I’m not doing as well as I had hoped, some minor money issues, car/camper issues, and house issues.  All of these things came together at me tall at once and I feel like I crawled into a shell. I haven’t done any videos in 4 weeks. Though I did do videos that were released over that long period of time, so you may not have noticed that. But I suddenly realized that I was spending all of my time surfing the Internet. And just sitting around eating ice cream (well, it’s not all bad) and clicking the mouse. On top of all that, the new job has a new boss in the last month and next month the hammer comes down on my programs when our Corporate “Experts” will audit all the work that I am supposed to have done since October. And it is nowhere near completed or done.

So anyways, if you haven’t seen anything new from me in this time frame, now you know why. I have been picking apart my blogging and video activities and beating myself up for some of the failures I see in the past product. This last week I spent most of my time trying to filter out the spam on this blog post. I had originally thought that I had software that would keep spam posts from occurring. However I noticed last week that on this blog I had almost 5000 subscribers, which seems just ridiculous since I only have about 50 comments. So I started going through them and found out that about 1000 were from Russian email addresses. Another thousand were from other fictitious emails that were easily filtered out and deleted. I am now scanning through the emails and groups of 25 and looking for ones that just sound ridiculous. I’m hoping I’m not deleting any true subscribers. WordPress, the program I use to publish this blog, suggests that any subscriber who didn’t leave a comment is probably spam. And I have had over 5000 spam comments, but they are extremely easy to recognize and remove. I guess one of the problems is that I remove the comment but I can’t easily remove the email address/subscriber. But if by chance you’re seeing this on Facebook or twitter or someplace else and you thought you had subscribed, so it should come in your email, please re-subscribe and leave me a comment so I know you’re a real person. I’m trying so very hard not to erase real names and email addresses. I’m down to around 2000 listed subscribers on this blog. And the reason is that there are so many Gmail accounts that are short names that it’s hard to determine whether their actual subscribers are not.

Anyways we’re working on getting the house puppy proofed, and trying to clean up some extra junk that I should’ve sold long ago. I have a garage door, I shower stall, some furniture, a bunch of tools, and internet network routers that I will never use again. So we posted those on Facebook and they seem to be doing well. We are getting rid of the garage door and the shower this weekend ! And for a few dollars no less. Money always makes me happy. And next weekend we are going to the Highland games at Grandfather Mountain with a special VIP pass. So I look forward to doing that. It’s just too bad I won’t be able to camp there. Because they are completely filled up. Hopefully I can get that video up and running fairly quickly. I will most likely be taking hours and hours of video.  Who knows how I will get it edited down to a reasonable representation of the event.

And so hopefully after next week I will be back into the grind and we will be producing videos again, at least 2 a week. I need to stop watching how other people’s channels grow and worry just about how I’m handling my own channel and satisfying my subscribers. I am not a “full-time YouTube” nor do I have a crew to help me with videos. My most motivating reason for getting out and getting in the woods or on the trail is currently gone(Hiking with my furry buddy).  But I’m hoping his spirit will resurrect itself in his new stand-in. So stay tuned, we will be back. And just wait till you see what we have in store.  Its going to be HUGE,  and I mean HUGE !!!

Thanks for stopping by,

Rick, Dakota, Caesar (2.0) soon to be

22 thoughts on “Depressing Lack of Life

  1. Rick, my heart has been with you on this whole new journey of yours, kinda been under similar up rooting total relocation from up stat New York, into new state, health and early retirement ( for me, not you as of yet) and different climate, now that I am living in Arizona. There is no perfect formula for peace, but here are some of the ways I have lost that sense of peace. When I have failed to triumph over temptations or things I know that are harmful for my soul, or failure to attempt to master principles and ethics that God has clearly laid out before me, has lead me to discouragement and even caused depression at times. When I come clean before the Lord, and when I have completely surrender my stubborn will. I can again enjoy his peace that surpasses all understanding and happiness surely follows. Your Videos Rick have been soothing to my soul. I miss New York and I find myself often re -watching your older videos, especially the winter one around Syracuse. Maybe the reason I enjoy them so much is because it is so hot here, or the simple fact that I miss the weather and beautiful scenery back home. My soul is lifting each time I go tramping through the woods along with you and the boys. You principles and ethics are out shine most, one of the many reasons you have commit viewers! We are all along with you Rick holding you up as you fall, well we miss that last one I guess… The truth is we are with you… friends and family are what matter, and of course fur balls! You will be ok my friend, know that you are loved….

    1. Oh, I know its just a cloudy day ! They come and they go and sometimes they leave rainbows !! No worries here. You take care and keep on keeping on !!

  2. Rick hang in there because you have a lot of subscribers who love you and love what you are doing. At times I have laughed with you and also have learned quite a bit about doing things to my A liner through your videos. Keep up going to State Parks and keeping us informed about the camping areas and the facilities there. God bless.

    1. Thanks mark, Did you get any bites on your trailer switch? I got some comments about it. I was hoping you got at least a few.

  3. Don’t compare yourself to others. Your channel was what originally set us on our adventure with our A-frame. Watching your videos is like camping and adventuring with our “Uncle Rick”. Be kind to yourself, you have been through a lot in the last year. And your recent injury has piled on one more thing.
    So excited for the new adventures with the puppy. I love his name, and its meaning. I think young pup has some big paws to fill.

    1. I forbid my nieces to call me Uncle Rick… it sounds so OLD !! And Now that I AM SO old, it hard to yell at them about it !! LOL But ya… I know !! I was a boy scout leader for too long !!

  4. Rick, hang in there! Ice cream is not the worst thing you can do.
    When do you get your puppy? Much more fun and interesting than ice cream! You will be getting a ball of happiness and challenge. Just the ticket.
    Please don’t stress over your channel. One of the nice things about your blog and videos is that they are sincere and interesting.
    As others have said, you have really had some major things happen. It’s to be expected that you are feeling blue.
    Things will brighten up!

    1. My Life has been full of changes, I’m really pretty used to them. Caesars demise was pretty serious gut blow though… still tears me up just typing it. Puppy and time will tell. Just hoping Dakota lasts another year ! He of course does much better in the winter down here than this hot summer weather !!

  5. Rick,
    Your observation of depression and your which came first the chicken or the egg scenario is an age old problem (haven’t we all experienced this?). I do think it is part of life, we aren’t robots and life sure has its way of setting enough hidden bombs along one’s path in life to frustrate even the most “stable” of people. You have had a lot happen as you pointed out; not to mention relocating and basically starting your life over in general. I think those that follow you see someone they like, it’s not just about how many videos you release or “hits” you get. My wife and I think it is amazing what you have done with your channel. Your humor and story telling approach to whatever you are showing us (from camp sites to craft shows) is unique and we appreciate it a great deal. Take your time, things will come back around with balance; it’s just a matter of time. Keep on truckin!

    1. I will be pushing stuff through. Not giving up anytime soon, just feel I owe it to everyone to let them know whats going on… Your all such a big part of my Youtube family and my life. So If you all can hang with me, I will certainly hang in there too !!

  6. This blog makes me sad, Rick. You have many, many friends out here in cyberspace…the problem is that night we can’t come by and drink a beer with you and talk, so to you it feels like we’re not here. Looking forward to hearing from you about the highland games AND the pup!

    1. Sorry, Didn’t really want to make anyone sad, but I like to share whats going on so you don’t think I’ve abandoned anyone. Also I think there maybe one or two followers that go through tough times that might not be able to pick themselves up as easy as I can. So I hope I lend a little support to them….

  7. Always member that Dogs make everything in life better. Love your channel. I have you to thank for getting me to the Moose River Plains. Things will get better with a puppy, less time to think about anything else.. Take care.

    1. Well, Everything but my kitchen floor right at the moment. Those Sleepy morning “let the dog out” requires a lot of concentration to make sure I don’t step in something and slip and fall in it before morning Caffeine !! But this to will pass !! Good times ahead !

  8. I just watch the YouTube videos that I like, and I don’t pay attention to how many subscribers there are. So… A new puppy will certainly tear you away from the internet! I can sympathize with you for lack of enthusiasm for walking with Caesar gone. It has happened to me.

    I once had a Rottweiler named Marie. I socialized her properly. She loved children, dogs, people and me, although not necessarily in that order. She became a therapy dog that I took to a nursing home
    Just she and I traveled to 3 states, where we explored many parks. We could walk 10 miles a day, although usually it was 2-4 miles a day. At age 10, Marie was diagnosed with soft tissue sarcoma. It was terminal. Marie died June 29, 2006 at 10:15 AM. When Marie left, so did the joy of walking. I have had other dogs since Marie, and I walk them, but I haven’t bonded with them as tightly as Marie. Life goes on.

    1. Yes I have known MANY great Rotties!! They are very lucky to have loving and active masters. So many are gotten to be “Guard Dogs”. Its sad to see them chained in the yard and ignored and unloved. I worked with one in our protection training, fantastic dog that had incredible drive to track an assailant and try to tear him up, but once the game was over, would wrestle with you and not leave a single scratch.. Would lie down side of you and snuggle up! My Son has a Pit Rescue I was watching from June 12-July 4th. Another great dog because of how much love he gets…. Sometimes when we loose one, we hold back because we don’t want to hurt again. My freshman psychology professor used to say that loneliness is fear of being loved and fear of rejection. Just reach out and give all you can and it will alway come back at 5x ! At least thats my experience !

  9. Oh! so sorry you are feeling low but give yourself some credit too! Moving is one of the top 5 most stressful things you can do, the job change and the loss of a loved one and you have hit some the most stressful events can hit in one year. Be kind to yourself! I think your youtube channel is great! Comparison is the theif of joy, just do what you love and people will notice. Your new puppy will help bring you up …..or at least not give you time to worry hahahaha! We just got a rough collie puppy and I forgot how much work puppies are! His name is Copper. He is a joy and I know your new puppy will be too.

    Deep breathes and everything will be alright! All my best!

    1. “Deep breathes and everything will be alright!” Thats what they told me my first year at college with these funny cigarettes… LOL. Thanks Rachel. But maybe that would be the ticket ?!?!? LOL

  10. Make time for you and try not to stress over the small things. Looking forward to your videos.

    1. The great thing about being down, is its all up from here.. LOL. We are definitely zoom skyward !

    2. We will, maybe we’ll buy a lottery ticket…. I seem to be the luckiest guy on earth with all these caring people, and a fantastic puppy. Thanks for stopping by

  11. I am sorry to hear you are feeling down. Remember, this too shall pass. 😊
    It always works out for the best…
    If it makes you feel any better. I eagerly await all your videos and tell all my friends to watch as well. The channel will grow…just takes time and patience. I think the new puppy will certainly bring in some more ppl so leverage that for sure, along with your campground reviews, ppl love puppies and camping. 🐶⛺

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