
Well, December seems to take forever every year.  I look forward to December because when its over, that means spring is coming.  I know we need to get through a good deal of winter first.  But the days are getting longer as soon as December is over.  Maybe even a few days before. Today, December 20, 2023,  Its way too dark by 5pm.  We end up eating around 4pm and then we are hungry again by 9:30pm.  We really should be heading off to bed, but instead we are preparing a large snack and sitting down to play on the computer to enjoy and relax.  As a result we rarely get into bed before 12midnight.

Akela is certain it must be “Biscuit Time” since it is dark outside and that his dinner should be over.  He can be a real pest when he thinks his “Watch Dog” title means he can tell time. I usually delay his needs by giving him something that is going to make both of us fat.  Like a Peanut butter sandwich cookie or a pile of chicken leftovers. I guess that is what I get for telling him during summer he can have the biscuit when it gets dark outside!!

My Neighborhood is slowly getting dressed up for Christmas.  Most of the nearest neighbors are older and empty nesters. But some still get the lights and managers out for the season.  Around Statesville the historic districts are dressing up and have a lot of lights.(see photo above).  We have taken a few trips through those areas to enjoy the pretty lights.  Sometimes I feel like a moth, attracted by lights!

I have all my big trips planned for the first 6 months of 2024.  I’m now working on what to do after July.  The EAA Air-Venture Airshow in Osh Gosh, WI is high on the list. It is in August.  Then I’d like to take the ferry over to Michigan and then travel up into the UP for Sept.  I am slowly churning through YouTube videos of the Upper Peninsula as December slips away.  Lots of interesting history in that area.  Did you know there almost was a war between Michigan and Ohio over border lines and Toledo.  Not sure why any one would want Toledo, OH. Unless you could see the future value of the scale as everyone is getting fatter!

Something I was shocked by when I first came down to the south, is that people get up on their roof and blow off the leaves and branches that fell on them during the fall with a leave blower.  Not wanting to look like a sorry outsider, I had to do that on my house today.  I have an awfully big willow oak tree in my front yard  that drops these awful skinny leaves that clog my gutters and roof toughs.   So if I don’t get them before they start to rot, the gutters get very heavy and sag, and dump water all around my foundation.  That makes the basement “sweat”.  So best case is to do it when the leaves are newly fallen and dry.  I missed that opportunity and it was a bear to clean out all the wet leaves.  Using the leaf blower causes about 1/3 of them to blow back on me, wet, cold, icky leaves!  Then I had to clean those up off the driveway and walkway. I just love house chores!!

We will take the week of 12/21 off from posting videos.  Videos we recently published:   The Mammoth Caves video I think is pretty complete. The title says it all.   The Blue Heron Campground video I may have to change the name since it is really so much more than just a campground.  So much to do in the Big South Fork Recreation Area and the Daniel Boone National Forest.  And the GSMNP – Look Rock campground and Foothills Parkway were such a surprise, we will be back there for sure! Please don’t be shy about living me critical comments on any video.  Coming up in January are the Red River Gorge videos. They will be a great way to start out the New Year.  They should be fantastic videos. Don’t miss them. And make sure you leave me comments about what you think.

Anyway,  we travel to Florida this week to visit with MOM and brother Bill.  At 92 mom is getting her organs tuned up and says she feels great.  She might even go to Central NY for my sons wedding!  We usually stay with my brother and his wife with the little Aliner parked in the driveway.  We didn’t think the Wolf Pup would fit quite as nice, so we will be staying up the road in a state campground. Still we will see them from 9am until 9pm. Plenty of time to let them realize what a PITA guests are.  (LOL)

So we will wish you all a Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year.  We look forward to sending you the best videos yet in 2025!  Definitely heading a little west, who knows how far we will get!!  Maybe Quartzite!!

Rick & Akela

3 thoughts on “December2023

  1. Just heard from your video that you’re heading towards St. Louis.

    I live just south of there now, (near Farmington, MO) but grew up in St. Louis and lived there until 2021.

    If there’s anything I can do for you, any questions I can answer, please let me know, I’ve been a subscriber since I was searching for my Aliner in 2017.

  2. We were camping in SC in November and the guy next to us was on the roof of his Class A blowing the leaves and pine needles off. It was a county park campground, so I assume he wasn’t parked there long term. Maybe he doesn’t understand how the wind works when the RV is moving. He was also parked in a pine forest, so I imagine two hours later it was all for naught.

    Happy Holidays!

    1. Some people are obsessed with keeping leaves off their roofs, some people leave (leaf?) them there forever. I blew off the majority of the fall “fallage” but the next day a major wind storm came through and blew leaves everywhere. Also blew inflatable Santas and Reindeer and all kinds of Christmas decorations around the neighborhood. I had an entire Christmas display in my yard for a day and a half!! lol At 22degs F here this morning I am eager to head south!! Have a great Holiday Season!

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