COVID-19 – I hate March!!

Many, many years ago someone said to me, “Even the toughest soldier hates a 31 day March”.   And I think that really says it all.  There is so much to dislike.  The Time changes now in March. It just totally screws up my life because the dogs never understand it !!  They still want to eat at the old time, get up an hour too early. Expect me to be home earlier.  It’s just miserable for them, and they can make life miserable for me because now they are being pesky!!   Then there is the weather.  Some days it is beautifully warm, then suddenly it is freezing cold again.  It may rain, or it may snow.  It may rain and seem okay at home, but when I go into the mountains it is freezing rain or snow and all the roads are closed.  And on hot days I go looking for Wild flowers and they aren’t up yet, (except maybe one or two really special ones). But the ticks are out.  We have no trouble finding them if the sun is out and its warm.  They are climbing up my legs and burrowing into Akela! And there are also those pesky little biting flies that like to fly into your eyes.

In addition, March has no Holidays.  You can’t really count St Patrick’s day since NO company gives it off.  While February has Presidents day and Groundhog day, and even disignated as Black history month.  April has April Fools day, Easter and Good Friday.  Why is March so empty of relaxation and happy days!  Could we just have a holiday for “The Ides of March” ?  How about for Pi day?  March 14th, you know!  Pi,  3.14159265359……..  A very important number and so an important day.  It’s much more important than silly February 29th. Or even January 1st. A day for drinking and lies about what you are going to do in the near future to make life better!!  HA Ha ha

A lot of bad things happen in March too.  Its the Flu season, COVID-19 is stealing that fame this year. There are no good hunting seasons in March.  Okay, it has March Madness in college Basketball.  But that just causes a lot of people to loose money betting on the games and just one person to win big!  That doesn’t sound fair either. And, just my opinion, but it reinforces the theory the college basketball players aren’t required to participate in classes or work for good grades as everyone else is at school studying for midterms. Some other bad things that happened during March:

Three Mile Island nuclear power plant accident occurs in Middletown, Pa. (1979)
The biggest earthquake ever recorded strikes Anchorage, Alaska. It measured 8.3 on the Richter scale. (1964)
The infamous Alcatraz prison is closed. (1963)
Congress approves Daylight Savings Time. (1918)
Ice jams stop the flow of water over Niagara Falls. (1848)
Senate begins impeachment trial of President Andrew Johnson. (1868)

And those are just things that happened during my life time which I can remember!!    So I’m sorry I missed getting a post out during March, but it is not my favorite month!!  And now it is over and I will try to get back on the ball with things here.  And I will say, one good thing that happened in March….  I started this YouTube channel this Blog is supposed to support. And my son was born 27 yrs ago.  Though in my opinion being the brat he is, he was born a day early because he didn’t want to be an April Fools Baby.  It could have explained a lot of things!!

Well anyways,  Thanks for stopping by.  Akela and I will try to catch up soon and get this thing back on the road!!  Stay safe !  Stay Healthy!  Hug all the people around you… well, after this virus thing finally blows over !!  🙂


6 thoughts on “COVID-19 – I hate March!!

  1. I agree Rick

    Keeping our fingers crossed that April is better and we make it thru this rough time!
    Take care,
    Debbie and Ruby

    1. I just checked on the Tennessee State parks and they are closed until just before the Aliner rally April 23rd. Hope things don’t get worse !! I will be camping by then!

  2. Excellent Rick!

    Boondocking soon available and all will be well!


  3. I am counting the hugs that I missed out on from friends and family due to this coronavirus so that I can collect later. Your camping videos are helping to keep me sane during this “shelter in place” time. Glad you have the “Formerly Unplublished Files” available for posting now. Thanks.

    1. Every little bit helps in these crazy times. And trust me… the bugs will be waiting for you !!

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