Catching up, and Getting Caught.

Well,  if you follow me faithfully, I’m really sorry !!  I have been completely distracted by so many life changes I’ve let this go way too long.  But I have produced some video !!  Mostly because the Boys require that I still get out and entertain them, no matter what else is supposed to be done.  🙂

So,  lets add a few details of those videos: Clarks Reservation, A Meromictic Lake and picnic area,  and Green Lakes State Park, Syracuse, NY – New & Improved  are videos about the 2 State parks in the immediate Syracuse area.  They are both very special geological phenomena due to the glacial nature of their landscape and the rare meromictic lakes. When I was in college, taking “Lake Science” (Limnology) I believe I was told that there were only 18 known meromictic lakes in the entire world.   I see though that Wikipedia lists 43.  So I guess science moves on despite what they tell you in class.  However they are still very unique and interesting places to go, mostly due to their long history of preservation and management.  Good job New York !!  But having also lived and visited them so many times, and having worked around them and with people who have researched them has added a lot of “closeness of feeling” to my like of the parks.  Green lakes has had some recent problems with deer and deer ticks and Lyme disease, but I think that will pass soon too.   The amount of money they put into the park in the last 2-3 years has really brought the park up to RV resort class, yet still at State park prices.

My next set of video’s was a split between modifications I needed to do before we went on the big move.   Aliner Aframe Roof Spring Replacement and Bungee Installation  and   Aliner Mods, Trying to solve the side rubbing problem .     I have had the springs to replace my roof spring almost since I bought the trailer.  My Original plan when I first bought it was to change the axle, redo the weather stripping, and replace the springs.  Well, as all good plans are doomed to go, I did change the axle, then I repaired the few areas of the weatherstripping that was bad, and never got to the springs.  So since I was never going to have my sons available for helping with the job for a long time (most likely), I figured it better get done NOW !!  So we did it.  I think the video shows all the techniques and challenges we had and is a pretty good instruction for anyone who wants to do theirs.  Our only snags were getting the right size pop rivets or re-drilling the holes.  So  we decided to just re-drill the holes !   We conquered the side clamps and even analyzed the twisted spring situation which has cause some angst amongst the internet community “experts”.  As always, if you don’t feel what I do it right, just choose your own route.  But I guarantee my advice is worth every penny you paid for it !!   As for the modification to the side rails by inserting the nylon roller bearings,  I think that is a great concept, but I do not believe that the 4 that I added to the sides were enough to really make a difference.  Aliner really needs to engineer a better solution to the problem of the aluminum sides rubbing.  Though, maybe they don’t on Aliners that haven’t been modified to death almost.  :-/

And lastly,  my last two videos from the Adirondack mountains, Buttermilk Falls and Hiking 100ft of Whiteface Mt. ,  and   Saying Good Bye to my Lady  .   This was a long thought about video as I was thinking I had done enough of the Adirondacks for my viewers.  And maybe I am wrong there as they can be interesting in so many ways, but my interests were beginning to repeat and I don’t want to be boring.  Besides, I needed the motivation to move on to new horizons !   So we went up into the ADK and purchased an “Olympic Passport”.  Which for $35 gets you into most of the Olympic tourist attractions and allows you to drive up the memorial highway on Whiteface mountain, ride the Gondola once, and attend the Oktoberfest.  Actually saving you about $75.  AND… its good for 6 months.   So we did that.  And on the way up and back we did a lot of other things that could be placed into a video.  So much of the drone footage was done during that trip. Though there was also a lot of footage from other trips through the ADK.  If you watch the video to the end, you will notice that for some reason the drone flies into a tree and crashes, never to be seen or heard from again.   Its possible I made some control mistake and flew it into t a tree, but I would prefer to think that some kind of down draft from that cliff caught it off guard and blew it over there.  Also I have noticed when in canyons that the GPS signal will make it do strange things. So it could have been a number of difference causes or many of them.  But I surly did not loose the $1000 drone on purpose !!  It did take great video, and its replacement will be here as soon as I get a paycheck.  Even my unemployment is totally delayed for some reason.  I am learning about poverty !!

So, please forgive me for taking so long getting this published !!  This is a lot going on and hopefully something for the better will come along soon!  Hang with me.  And I’ll hang with you !   Pat a child on the head, kiss a dog, and climb a small mountain !!  We’ll be back soon !!

Rick, Caesar, Dakota !!



6 thoughts on “Catching up, and Getting Caught.

  1. My Aliner air conditioner cover has a small grommet hole in the bottom side centered about an inch from the edge. It seems to drain OK with that grommeted hole. If yours doesn’t have this, you may want put one in the fabric. The cover also seems to have a looser fit on that bottom edge. I hope that this info might help.

  2. I think I sent you an Email, but I can’t find it.. so…. Yes, they always get water in them and then they mold. Not sure if there is a way to keep it from happening. I just get a new cover every 3 years… 🙂

  3. Wow! You have been busy…
    looking forward to catching up on your latest adventures!
    I haven’t seen all of your videos yet. I visited 2 parks in the Lowville NY area–both used as a layover to PUP rallies. Whetstone Gulf State Park (small park with fabulous gorge trail) and Whitaker Park Campground ( tiny town park located beside Falls, with no hookups, but good spot for a layover)

    1. Oh, yes, best thing about Whitaker… $5 for tents, $10 for RVs!

    2. Since I worked about 30 miles from Whetstone gulf, I never actually camped there, but it is a very neat place with fantastic fall colors and lots of great hiking trails…. and even squirrels.

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