It’s just my opinion; but, I haven’t really done enough videos to warrant a new blog post, but I guess it’s been so long since my last one I should probably do one. And besides, I...Read More
I’m not sure I understand why I have such a hard time getting started doing these posts, but it sure does take me a lot to sit down and actually start doing them. As I have said in the past, I...Read More
Its hard to believe how busy it can get between Thanksgiving and Christmas.We had a really good Thanksgiving, driving up to the mountains and visiting quite a few places. In the weekend after Thanksgi...Read More
Okay, I know I’m always saying how incredibly busy I am, but it’s really the truth. I work 9 hours a day, currently including Saturdays. And I commute to work for another hour a day. I com...Read More
Well this is going to have to be a quick one. I have been busier than a one armed paper hanger. Between trying to figure out how to get the Ford Exploder fixed and getting through an audit at work, ...Read More
So if you read my last blog, you know we had a 2 great weekends in West Virginia. I really do love the state, it’s so much reminds me of the Adirondacks. One of the 2 engineers that sits in fron...Read More
Labor day for most of my life has meant going to the New York State Fair. In 50 years I think I have missed the fair maybe 3 times. The New York State Fair is a huge extravaganza. It has always been t...Read More
I received a couple of comments from my last post that the header picture looked like Dakota was dead and Akela had killed him. I’m pleased to report that Dakota is doing great and actually just...Read More
I don’t know why I have such a hard time starting these blogs. I don’t do any work to actually them not more than 15 or 20 minutes of editing. I sit here at my desk and talk to my computer...Read More
Well, my niece Melissa is gone! And I finally have the house to myself, kind of. Now that Melissa is gone along with her dog Bonnie, everybody wants to come visit. So this coming weekend I have my b...Read More
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times ! That’s kind of catchy, maybe I could copyright it ?! Well as I usually do, I like to blog about every 3 videos. However, one of those vide...Read More
Does depression cause you to become a useless lazy bum, or does being a useless lazy bum cause depression? I believe that everybody goes through periods of ups and downs. Minor depression and manic ha...Read More