Oh Great, Its 2022 !

Do you see what I see. NO,  this isn’t a belated Christmas Carol. I have been searching YouTube for videos about places to camp and interesting attractions and hikes for 2022. I do this a lot  of this to help me find good contents for my videos. However I’m noticing all the really popular and pushed videos are young women. Not I have nothing against young women being successful. But I am aware that there are a lot of young and old men out there doing the same thing. In fact most of these young women got the idea from some old man that did it first. I just put in the search box, “weekend camping”, and got 9 young single women channels. There’s Luna, MAV, Tia, Mariah, Nikki, Laurie and Shaylea, Rei, Andrea, and Lynn. And then if I go on to the next group of videos I get young couples with pretty ladies. Obviously the ratings game with YouTube is based on sexuality and beauty more than content and creativity. And I will say that I have watched some of these channels and they do have a appealing style and good creativity. But since I don’t get many other channels offered to me, it’s hard to tell if there are equal channels available without young attractive women. I’m really wondering if it would help my channel if I dressed up as a sexy woman in my videos. Leave me a comment below, I’m ready to try new things.

I will announce this on my YouTube videos a couple of times over the next couple of months, but I am preparing my plan to go across the US and back in 2023. I need the best ideas of places to stay and things to see. I know that many of my readers and viewers have been around the country and enjoy the travel I do, so I’m hoping they can help me get pointed in the best directions. From North Carolina I plan on going through Kentucky, and up into Michigan. I want to enjoy the “Great Bear dunes” and other places along the lake and do a little genealogical research about my great great grandparents from that area. They lived in the  Manistee Michigan area. I also figured I would go across to the upper Peninsula and then over to Wisconsin and Minnesota. Probably through North Dakota swinging down to South Dakota and Wyoming to stop at Custer State Park and Yellowstone. I need to know more about Yellowstone to decide whether I want to stay in Yellowstone, or outside and just venture in. With Akela we can’t really do much hiking and out of car exploring so we might stay outside the park. I really feel Yellowstone would probably be better in the late fall early winter. I love snow (If properly prepared)!

I have to do a calculation of how long that would take. If I left in April to go up north, and then west, to Yellowstone, would I still be able to get to Oregon and Northern California before September. I get the sense that if I were to go to the Yellowstone, Wyoming, Utah area, it would take me the better part of 2 months exploring that area to get out of there. So I might want to do that the next year. My #1 priority is to get to the California redwoods and the giant Sequoia’s before the morons burn them to the ground. Or somebody brings in some tree disease that’ll attack and kill them all. It would only figure that a tree that could outlive the dinosaurs could be destroyed by man in a few years.

I don’t want to spend a lot of time in California or Oregon. I’d like to leave Southern California into Nevada and crisscrossed the top of Nevada to Arizona and then Oklahoma and home to Arkansas, Kansas, and Tennessee. I’m gonna do the mileage for the places I want to go. Limiting a days travel to 300 miles, I think that sounds like a very doable trip. Let me know in the comments below what you think. I’m looking for especially beautiful natural areas, not the largest ball of twine or the biggest rocking chair.  I’ve collected a number of places from the AOPA Pilots magazine on places you can fly into that  are too remote for others to get to. I’m betting I can drag the Aliner into those remote areas.

Well, That’s all For this week, so I guess I’ll sign off for now. I’ll try to do at least 2 of these blogs a month here on my webpage. Especially now in the winter I have more time at my desk, and less time trying to get my grass to grow. Which, just for your information, my grass is still growing in December and January. I was out cleaning up the yard from Akela’s piles and realized the grass was getting quite tall. It makes it hard to find his “deposits”.  Now I last cut it the week after Thanksgiving, so it’s not growing like it does in the summer. But we do get enough sun and enough warmth that it doesn’t go completely dormant. I love my Tall Fescue shade tolerant grass!!

As always stay safe. Comment below, like, share, subscribe. If you see me on the road, stop me and say hi.

Rick and Akela

2 thoughts on “Oh Great, Its 2022 !

  1. We did the same trip as you are planning basically only we left from Maine. We picked up rt# 2 and went across the UP and through Minnesota and Wisconsin. We then stopped at Teddy Roosevelt Nat Park and then down to SD and the Badlands. Spent some time at Custer SP and then to Yellowstone and the Tetons, Utah Colorado and then home because of winter closing in. We’ll start again in Glacier NP and go west from there next fall. Coincidentally we did the trip with a 90 pound Lab in an Aliner Classic. We sold the Aliner last spring and have ordered a19″ Escape. We loved our Aliner but spending 8-10 weeks at a time on the road wanted something with a little more room and a wet bath

    1. I’ve already been to all the states in East. I loved Maine, but it has too many NYers living there…LOL I actually worked for a company that had a paper mill in Waterville maine, Keyes Fiber Com. (Chinet) Maybe you can give me some tips since you’ll be a year a head of me ! Stay in touch! Thanks for the comment !

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